To create a new account contact 1-800-727-1000 for assistance.
One-source solutions are available to existing HD Supply customers. Call 1-800-727-1000 or email us to set your web login up for your existing account.
HD Supply formerly Leran Gas Products now offers credit with HD Supply. Complete and submit the online credit application.
Get the professional answers you deserve. Our digital help center is here to help you navigate HD Supply's one-source solutions and get the job done right.
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A Static Favorites List is created by adding items to your list from Search and/or Browse results, product detail pages, and previous orders and invoices. You can also upload your list using the Excel template provided on the "Favorites List Management" page.
A Dynamic Favorites List is automatically created from your purchase history based on the timeframe, ship-to name, and product categories you want included. This list updates each time you open it based on the criteria selected.
Bright Zinc Electroplate